Welcome to Simple Online Solutions Hub

Hi, I'm Sarah Lynn, website designer, online marketing mentor, holistic therapist and small business owner - it's lovely to meet you!

I love working with small business owners, who aren't friends with technology but are looking to get more customers using online tools such as their websites

I have so much to share with you, including visibility tips, simple how-to instructions to deal with the tech side of online marketing, social media strategies, templates and more.

I'm looking forward to working with you


Sarah x

Available Courses

Boost Your Blog: SEO Essentials Workshop

Are you ready to take your blog to the next level and ensure it gets the visibility it deserves? Join my Boost Your Blog: SEO Essentials Workshop and learn the strategies that will help your blog stand out in search results!

Who is this workshop for?

All small business owners who want to drive more traffic to your website by improving your blog’s SEO. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, learn how to optimise your posts for better search engine rankings.

Date/Venue: Thursday 27th June 2024 10am-12pm / My Zoom Room

What to expect

In this 2 hour workshop, you'll discover:

  • Finding Keywords: Learn how to identify the best keywords to target your audience effectively.
  • Using Keywords in Titles and Subheadings: Optimise your content structure to capture search engine attention.
  • Internal and External Links: Master the art of linking to improve your blog's credibility and user experience.
  • Using H1, H2, and H3 Correctly: Understand the hierarchy of headings and how to use them for maximum SEO impact.
  • Optimising Images: Ensure your images contribute positively to your SEO efforts with proper optimisation techniques.
  • Using Alt Text for Images: Improve accessibility and SEO with appropriate alt text.
  • Writing Effective Meta Descriptions: Craft compelling meta descriptions that drive clicks.
  • Ensuring Mobile Optimisation: Make your blog mobile-friendly to reach a wider audience.
  • Analytics and Monitoring: Utilise tools like Google Analytics to track your progress and refine your strategy.
  • Backlinking Strategies: Learn how to build high-quality backlinks to boost your domain authority.
  • SEO Tools and Resources: Get introduced to the best tools and resources to support your SEO efforts.

Additionally, all participants will receive a free downloadable checklist to help implement the workshop’s teachings and ensure nothing is overlooked.

Our workshop is designed to be educational yet friendly, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way. Whether you’re new to blogging or looking to refine your skills, this session is perfect for you.

Payment Terms

Full payment is required at the time of booking to reserve your space for the workshop. Once payment has been received you will be sent email instructions on how to join the workshop.  Full terms and conditions for group workshops can be viewed here.

What do you need to bring with you?

An open mind ready for learning, a notepad and pen and your favourite drink.

Date: Thursday 27th June 2024: 10am-12pm

Via Zoom - Your Zoom link will be sent out to you nearer the date

FREE: The Get Visible Online Roadmap

Which Online Marketing Tools should I use?

If you’re just getting started on your online marketing journey or have been on the journey for a while, what tools are you going to use from your online marketing toolbox?

Every small business owner has their own preferred tools but these are the ones I suggest you use when you are starting out.

FREE 11 things your website needs

I have recently compiled a list of 11 things that your website needs right now.  

FREE: The Ultimate Landing Page Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your landing page is set up to make a great first impression and convert visitors into leads.

The Get Visible Online Hub

Master the tools of Online Marketing and start getting seen and making more sales

Does the thought of setting up and using social media, your Website, starting an email list and showing up online fill you with fear and dread?

Then you need The Get Visible Online Hub for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Get on-demand training, templates, resources, and a supportive Facebook community for only £10/month!

Power Hour Session

  • Need tech help? Want to change your images? Add in a Testimonial module? Amend your Footer details? Change your menu? Add in payment buttons?
  • Need strategy and planning help?
  • Are you feeling stuck in your business and don't know what you don't know?
  • Would you like to get your business noticed and need help with your marketing?
  • Let's plan out your online marketing roadmap and find the next steps you need to take in your business to get more customers

I can help you with all of the above and more!

How to Use Google Business Profile to Get More Customers

Google Business Profile is a free internet-based service designed to help promote local businesses online. It’s a tool that enables business owners to manage how they appear online across Google and make their business stand out.

Watch over my shoulder as I create a Google Business Profile account and then share my own account and how I use it to get more customers

Having a free Google Business Profile will help you to

  • Become more visible online
  • Be found easily with Google Maps integration
  • Collect customer reviews and build social proof
  • Total control over your online presence on Google

Strategic Social Media Planning Workshop

  • Would you like to use Social Media for your business but you’ve been putting it off because …
  • You don’t know what to talk about
  • You don’t want your clients to think you’re a sleazy salesperson!
  • You don’t when to post
  • Then this workshop is for you! 
  • This is the recording from my Zoom workshop which took place in March 2023
  • Once payment has been received you will have instant access to the recording.
  • You will also receive 4 downloadable workbooks

Who is this workshop for?
All small business owners who want to start using social media effectively in their businesses to build the know, like, trust, and buy factors

Canva for Beginners

Canva is a free online design tool which allows you to create social media posts, presentations, posters, videos, logos and more.

  • Would you like to use Canva for your business but you’ve been putting it off?
  • Does the thought of using Canva scare you?
  • You know you can be creating more designs for your business, but don’t know where to start or what to use it for
  • Then this workshop is for you!

How To Create Your Email List - Mini Course

“If you aren’t building your list you are missing out on the future of your business”

Do you want to start creating your email list but haven’t got a clue where to start? If so, then this mini-course is for you!

At the end of this video course, you will be able to start collecting emails from your website visitors, send them an automated welcome email containing your lead magnet and continue to nurture your email list to encourage them to go from someone who is interested in what you are offering to someone who buys what you are offering

Automate Birthday Wishes with Mailerlite

🎉 Unlock the Power of Personal Touch! 🎉

Introducing our latest tutorial video: "Automate Birthday Wishes with Mailerlite!" Are you ready to transform your email marketing and engage with your audience like never before? This step-by-step guide is designed specifically for you!

💌 Why Celebrate with Us?

  • Personalised Engagement: Learn how to set up heartfelt birthday messages that make each subscriber feel special and valued.
  • Boost Customer Loyalty: Automated birthday emails are not just warm wishes but powerful tools for increasing customer retention and loyalty.
  • Save Time and Increase Efficiency: Once set up, your birthday emails will run themselves. Spend less time managing campaigns and more time growing your business.
  • Enhanced Brand Image: Consistent and thoughtful birthday emails enhance your brand's image and customer satisfaction.

🚀 What You'll Gain:

  • A detailed, easy-to-follow video tutorial.
  • Expert tips to maximise open rates and engagement.
  • Creative ideas for unique offers and birthday discounts.
  • Example birthday email templates

🎂 Make Every Subscriber's Birthday an Event to Remember! With our Mailerlite tutorial, you're not just sending another email; you're building lasting relationships. Don't miss out on this opportunity to add a personal touch to your marketing strategy that customers love and expect.

👉 Watch now and start spreading joy and boosting your business with every birthday bash!

SEO for Beginners Workshop

Search Engine Optimisation aka SEO is the process of improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your website or a web page from search engines – thank you Wikipedia!  The more organic traffic you can get to your website, who are interested in what you offer, the more chance you have of making more sales or becoming known as the expert in your field.

This 2-hour workshop is for you if: 

  • You’ve heard of SEO but have no idea where to start 
  • You're not techy at all, so you're not sure how to implement it
  • You don’t know the benefits SEO can bring to your business

Blogging for Business Workshop 2024

  • Would you like to write blogs for your business but you’ve been putting it off?
  • Does the thought of blogging scare you?
  • You know you should be blogging, but don’t know where to start or what to blog about.
  • Then this workshop is for you! 

Date: Thursday 29th February 2024

Via Zoom - Your Zoom link will be sent out to you nearer the date

Link In Bio - Mini Course

You only have one chance to make a good impression as they say so why not start by giving your audience the wow-factor right from the very first click?

My Instagram LinksInBio page replaces that boring #linkinbio with a captivating space that puts all your key resources, links and important information at your visitors fingertips - and giving them a great experience.

This DIY mini-course includes the template (*created for Divi theme users) and full video instructions on how to personalise and tailor the template so it works specifically for your business

EFT for Mindset

When it comes to growing your business are you suffering from:

  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Overthinking
  • Procrastination
  • Money Blocks

Join me in this series of Tap-Along videos using the simple but powerful tool that is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) also known as Tapping.  It also contains 2 exercises to help you identify your limiting beliefs.

PS - This is a module that is included in The Get Visible Online Hub - my £10 pm membership - Master the tools of Online Marketing and start getting seen and making more sales

Buy Me A Coffee

Make mine a large one

If I've helped you in any way to be more visible online, get new clients, or you've just found my content helpful in any way, then feel free to treat me to a coffee!

It's hugely appreciated, and much of what I do is given freely to benefit you with your online marketing success.

Running Simple Online Solutions can be a costly exercise, and every coffee counts 💚

My Courses Available Courses
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